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Student Support Program
Room Sharing
Student Travel Support

Room Sharing

Student Hotel Accommodation -- Roommate Finder

To help students identify other students who may be interested in sharing a room at the CDC 2014, we will publish the information on a password-secured website. For the hotel information, please see the conference web page.

Application for participating in roommate finding:

  1. Go to this page and fill the form with the requested information, including
    1. Name
    2. Email address
    3. Institution / Company / Affiliation
    4. Gender
    5. Arrival date and departure date
  2. Send an email to prof. Cedric Langbort, Chair of Student Activities Committee, with the subject "CDC 2014 Roommate Finder".
  3. You will receive an email with the link and the login data for accessing the information.
  4. Then, it is your responsibility to find your potential roommates, communicate and discuss, and book a room.

Self-organizing nature. Note that Roommate Finder serves just as a tool to identify potential roommates. The conference organizers will not perform the booking/reservation nor are any financial obligations involved. The responsibility to reserve/book the rooms is with the participating students only. In short, there is no administrative or financial responsibility with the conference organizers and you will organize everything by yourself. Please make the room reservation for yourself and take care of the communication with your roommate!

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IEEE CSS Student Travel Support Program of CDC 2014

Program Details

The Student Travel Support of CDC 2014 is meant to enable promising students to attend the conference, present their papers and become more integrated into their scientific community. Funds from IEEE Control System Society (CSS) and National Science Foundation of U.S. (NSF) will be used to cover Student (or Regular, if needed) registration. Depending on the number of applications, modest levels of additional support, toward defraying costs of attendance and travel, might be possible.

Eligibility and Requirements

Each applicant (i) must be an author or co-author of a paper accepted for presentation at CDC 2014, (ii) must register at the conference, and (iii) must present a paper.

In order to be eligible for either program, an applicant must be a (student) member of both IEEE and CSS, at the time of the application. While all student members of IEEE-CSS are eligible for the CSS funds, funds from NSF are limited to students studying at an institution within the U.S.

Application Procedures

To apply, students must download the Student Travel Support Application Form, fill it in, convert it into the PDF format, and upload it through PaperPlaza as follows:

Step 1: Select Submit a paper or session proposal for the CDC 2014
Step 2: Select First Submissions: Student Travel Form
Step 3: To complete the application procedure, the Student's Advisor must contact via e-mail Professor Cedric Langbort, Chair of Student Activities Committee (, and provide him with the following information:
1. Certification that the applicant is currently enrolled as a student and is planning to attend and present a paper at the CDC 2014.
2. Short message of support of the Student's application.

Deadlines and Award Notification

July 31 (or earlier): decision letters about papers submitted to CDC 2014 are sent out.
August 15: deadline for applying for the student travel support.
September 1 (tentative): decision messages about travel support recipients are expected to be sent out.
IMPORTANT NOTE: do not register until you have received the decision letter where the details of the special registration procedure for Student Travel Awardees will be announced. Please be aware that the registration fee can potentially not be reimbursed in case you have already registered using the standard registration procedure.
September 5: deadline for registering and uploading the final version of the manuscript.

If additional support, beyond registration, is awarded, original receipts will be needed for reimbursement. Details and procedures regarding reimbursement will be distributed, if needed.

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PaperPlaza Submission site
We suggest that you use Firefox or Chrome instead of Internet Explorer, to prevent copyright upload issues to IEEE.

Key dates (2014)
Submission Site Open:January 4
Invited Session
Proposals Due:
March 10
Initial Paper
Submissions Due:
Firm deadline, no extension!
March 20
Workshop Proposals Due:May 1
Paper and Workshop
Decision Notification:
Final Submission Open:August 1
Registration Opens:August 1
Accepted Papers Due:September 20

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