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Special sessions about the following topics will be presented:
Women in Control Luncheon Meeting |
Time and Location: Monday, 12-1:30 pm, Gold 1
The "Women in Control" Committee promotes membership, and the
development of programs that support recruitment, and growth of
women CSS members. Additionally Committee disseminates appropriate
information about women in the IEEE Control System Society and the
profession. The meeting is a nice occasion to get to know new members of
our scientific community and catch up with existing members.
All CDC 2014 women participants are kindly invited.
How to build your career path - role models and examples
Monday, 12:15-1:15 pm, Platinum D+E
Organizer and moderator: Yutaka Yamamoto (Kyoto University).
Speakers: Sonja Glavaski (ARPA-E),
Ali Jadbabaie (University of Pennsylvania).
Following the success of the special session in the last CDC on "How to give a good talk", the Long Range Planning Committee presents a special session on "Career Building". As the title suggests, the session is targeted for young people who are starting their career in academia or in industry.
In the course of our careers, we are often encountered with various decisions to be made. For example: what kind of job or career track one should pursue? What kind of research? Where is a good opportunity? One also wants to find a role model, but it is not always easy. Such things are not usually taught during the course of a Ph. D. program, and one has to find his/her own way.
It should be very helpful to learn from the experience of successful predecessors. This session invites two panelists, and asks them to present
- how they got into this field,
- how they made their careers,
- how they became successful in building up their careers.
The audience can learn a great deal from the experiences of two experts.
Sixty is the new twelve
Monday, 6:15-7:15 pm, Platinum D+E
Two Gentlemen of Boronia, Bob Bitmead and Michel Gevers
There is a tide in the affairs of men.
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat,
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures.
Julius Caesar, Act 4, Scene 3, 218-224
War is hell in the trenches! And now we find that the IEEE
Control Systems Society is turning 60. Come eavesdrop as two
old non-commissioned infantrymen of the imperial forces relive
their heroics, confront the tactical blunders of the
toffey-nosed leadership, confront the enemy, and share
battle stories both real and imagined from their time at
the front and from earlier quieter days, when guaranteed
stochastic consensus formation control to a manifold described
by quaternions was just a vague embryonic notion and Graf
Laplacian was an Alsatian Count. Expect a wide ranging
discourse on the major events, strategic and tactical,
which have brought us to this juncture in time. As Brutus says,
where we float from here is in the hands of the new recruits
rushing so fresh faced into the battle. They deserve to
understand that this is their heritage, like it or not.
Techniques for Project Based Learning with Low Cost Hardware Support
Lunch time session, Tuesday, 12:15-1:15 pm, Diamond 6
Sponsor: The MathWorks Inc.
Craig Buhr (MathWorks, MA, USA)
Low-cost hardware solutions are used in many applications such
as quadcopters and mobile robots. These low-cost solutions provide an
effective platform to give students hand-on experience through project
based learning and competitions. A tutorial walkthrough of model-based
design applied to project based learning will be presented. We will
demonstrate each step of the process for developing an embedded control
system for a mobile robot using the LEGO MINDSTORM hardware. We show
how to model and analyze the robot through simulation as well as design
and validate a feedback controller using the simulated model. Finally
we deploy the control algorithm to the robot and validate its
performance. We will conclude with a discussion of how student
competitions are using this approach.
IEEE CSS Video Clip Contest Session: Presentation of the winning video clips
Lunch time session, Wednesday, 12:15-1:15 pm, Platinum D+E
Organizer and moderator: Frank Allgöwer, University of Stuttgart
At the beginning of 2014, the IEEE Control Systems Society
decided to launch for the first time a public video clip contest
(http://www.ieeecss.org/video-contest). Participants were asked to
create short video clips explaining or promoting the field of
automatic control in some or all of its aspects, including theory and
applications. Out of 53 submissions a jury selected seven finalists,
from which a winner, a 2nd and a 3rd place have been chosen, that
were awarded US$ 1,000, US$ 500 and US$ 250 respectively. The
selection criteria included video quality, creativity and the
potential to promote the field.
During this lunch time session, the finalists and winning video clips
will be shown to the audience in a moderated way and all CDC
participants are cordially invited to attend this entertaining
Workshop for High School Students and Teachers:
The Power, Beauty and Excitement of the Cross-Boundaries Nature of Control,
a Field that Spans Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM)
Monday, 9:30 am - 2:00 pm,
Gold Ballroom, Salon 3
Sponsors: American Automatic Control Council (AACC), IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS), CDC 2014, and the University of Kansas.
Organizers: Bozenna Pasik-Duncan (University of Kansas) and Ljubo Vlacic (Griffith University).
Co-Organizers: Linda Bushnell (University of Washington), Cody Clifton (University of Kansas), Dominique Duncan (University of California, Davis), Angela Schoellig (University of Toronto), and Sebastian Trimpe (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems).
Chairs: Bozenna Pasik-Duncan (University of Kansas) and Sebastian Trimpe (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems).
Co-Chairs: Andrew Clark (University of Washington), Dominique Duncan (University of California, Davis), Tyrone Duncan (University of Kansas), and Angela Schoellig (University of Toronto).
Local Coordinator: Zrinka Botiller (Narbonne High School Math/Science Magnet).
Organizing and Program Committee: Members of the AACC Technical Committee on Education and the IEEE CSS Technical Committee on Control Education.
This outreach event is designed to increase the general awareness of the importance of systems and control technology and its cross-disciplinary nature among middle and high school students and teachers. Control is used in many common devices and systems: cell phones, computer hard drives, automobiles, and aircraft, but is usually hidden from view. The control field spans science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The success of all STEM disciplines depends on attracting the most gifted young people to science and engineering profession. Early exposure to middle and high school students and their teachers is a key factor. The goal of these outreach efforts is to promote an increased awareness of the importance and cross- disciplinary nature of control and systems technology.
The workshop activities include presentations by control systems experts from our technical community, informal discussions, and the opportunity for teachers and students to meet passionate researchers and educators from academia and industry. The talks are designed to be educational, inspirational and entertaining showing the excitement of controls.
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Key dates (2014)
Submission Site Open: | January 4 |
Invited Session Proposals Due: |
March 10 |
Initial Paper Submissions Due:
Firm deadline, no extension! |
March 20 |
Workshop Proposals Due: | May 1 |
Paper and Workshop Decision Notification: | mid-July |
Final Submission Open: | August 1 |
Registration Opens: | August 1 |
Accepted Papers Due: | September 20 |
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
Copper Sponsors
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