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Due to a record number of registrations, the conference banquet is sold out.
Registration fees have been reduced since the banquet is no longer included.
Please review the registration and refund
policy carefully as refund penalties may apply.
All registration categories include access to technical sessions,
coffee breaks, opening and closing receptions, one conference banquet ticket and one electronic proceedings.*
In case of any question about registration rates and/or refund
policy, please contact the registration chair, Professor Amir Aghdam
The on-line registration for the IEEE CDC 2014 may be reached via PaperPlaza. Follow the Start => Register links (available after the registration opening date). Alternatively, if you have a paper in the conference, at the time of final submission you will be
forwarded to the registration pages.
We will be distributing the proceedings in USB thumb drives instead of CD-roms.
Some CD-roms will still be available for those who are restricted from using USB drives.
Registration Desk Opening Hours |
The registration desk will be located at Studio III foyer.
1:00 pm - 6:00 pm
1:00 pm - 6:00 pm
7:30 am - 6:00 pm
7:30 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Registration/Refund/Force Majeure Policy: |
Attendees must register under one of the following registration categories.
Note that the registration policy has changed and student registrants are now allowed to upload one final paper, in addition to receiving one conference banquet ticket and one electronic proceedings. |
Member: If you are a member of IEEE, InFORMS, SIAM or SICE, you are entitled to "Member"
rate. This registration category is entitled to upload up to three final papers.
Additional papers can be uploaded for 200 USD each.
IEEE Life Members: If your IEEE membership status is that of Life Member, Life Senior
Member or Life Fellow, you may register at Life Member rate. This registration category is entitled to upload up
to three final papers. Additional papers can be uploaded for 200
USD each.
Non-member: If you are not a member of any of the above organization(s), you should
register at the non-member rate. This registration category is entitled to upload up to three final papers. Additional papers can be
uploaded for 200
USD each.
Student: If at the time of registration or at the time of initial submission of paper for
review you were a "full-time student" at a recognized institution, you may register at student rate. You may be required to provide evidence of
full-time student status. This registration category is entitled to upload ONLY ONE final paper. Additional papers can be uploaded
for 200
USD each.
Retiree: If at the time of registration or at the time of initial submission of paper for
review you had retired or did not hold a full time employment, you may register at Retiree rate. This registration category
is entitled to upload ONLY ONE final paper. Additional papers can be uploaded for 200
USD each.
Refunds: If an author has uploaded a paper using his/her registration, the registration will not be refunded, even if the paper is withdrawn. Those who pre-register and later find they cannot attend the conference may request a refund of the advance registration fee(s). |
Requests before September 30, 2014: For requests received before the Advance Registration
deadline (September 30, 2014), 90% of the fee will be refunded.
| |
Requests between October 1 and November 30, 2014: For requests received between October 1
and November 30, 2014, 50% of the fee will be refunded.
| |
Requests after November 30, 2014: There will be no refunds for requests received after
November 30, 2014.
Force Majeure: Unexpected cancellation of the conference. The Control Systems Society
reserves itself the right to cancel without notice or compensation IEEE CDC 2014 in the event of force majeure cases (for example, but not limited
to acts of nature such as fire, earthquake,
hurricane, flood or terrorist attacks). In such cases, the CSS is freed of all responsibility.
Limitation of liability of the Control Systems Society: In the event of it being impossible for the CSS to carry out
the IEEE CDC 2014 for force majeure cases, so long as this arises from a cause not attributable to the CSS, CSS shall
only be obliged to reimburse the payments received subject to deduction of any costs it has incurred in preparing the
event. This liability only extends to the payments made directly to the IEEE CDC 2014 and not to payments made by the
attendees to the hotel or airlines.
Registration Rates (all dates in 2014): |
The registration costs and benefits depend on the registration category and on the date of registration:
(note that rates have been updated after Dec. 3, due to banquet tickets being sold out;
registrations before that date include banquet tickets!)
Category |
Aug 1 - Sept 30 |
After Oct 1 |
# Paper uploads |
Conference banquet |
Electronic proceedings* |
Advance rate |
Non-advance rate |
Member |
480 USD |
600 USD
490 USD
3 Included |
1 Included
Not included
1 Included |
Non-Member |
640 USD |
720 USD
610 USD
3 Included |
1 Included
Not included
1 Included |
Life Member |
240 USD |
300 USD |
3 Included |
1 Included
Not included
1 Included |
Student |
240 USD |
300 USD |
1 Included |
1 Included
Not included
1 Included |
Retiree |
240 USD |
300 USD |
1 Included |
1 Included
Not included
1 Included |
We will be distributing the proceedings in USB thumb drives instead of CD-roms.
Some CD-roms will still be available for those who are restricted from using USB drives.
The costs of extra services are the same for all registrants:
All Categories |
Extra Paper Upload (cost for each paper) |
7th or 8th page in each final paper (cost for each page) |
Extra banquet |
Extra proceedings (CD or USB) |
Member, Non-member Life Member Student or Retiree |
200 USD |
175 USD |
110 USD |
25 USD |
Workshops Registration Rates: |
All workshops will be offered on December 14th.
The workshops list can be found at the
CDC 2014 workshops page.
Please note that
only people who have registered for the conference can register for the workshops.
Full-day and half-day workshop fees are as follows (all dates are in 2014):
Category |
Full-day |
Half-day |
Member |
150 USD |
90 USD |
Non-Member |
150 USD |
90 USD |
Life Member |
75 USD |
45 USD |
Student* |
75 USD |
45 USD |
Retiree |
75 USD |
45 USD |
The first 100 IEEE-CSS student members who register for a workshop will
receive educational support from the society to reduce their
registration to $25 (full day workshop) and $15 (half day workshop).
The only accepted means of payment are by CREDIT CARD. Visa, MasterCard and American Express will be accepted.
In case of any question about registration rates and/or refund policy,
please contact the Registration Chair,
Professor Amir Aghdam
We suggest that you use Firefox or Chrome instead of Internet Explorer, to prevent copyright upload issues to IEEE.
Key dates (2014)
Submission Site Open: | January 4 |
Invited Session Proposals Due: |
March 10 |
Initial Paper Submissions Due:
Firm deadline, no extension! |
March 20 |
Workshop Proposals Due: | May 1 |
Paper and Workshop Decision Notification: | mid-July |
Final Submission Open: | August 1 |
Registration Opens: | August 1 |
Accepted Papers Due: | September 20 |
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